Mark Hamilton

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I received my PhD in Humanities from Florida State University with a minor in Classical Greek Literature in the Fall of 2003.  In the Summer of 2018, I received a Masters in Latin from the University of Florida.  I taught English three years in the Middle East, and I have basically fifteen years experience teaching full time College English.

Based on my IQ, I should have barely graduated from college.  And yet I am professionally fluent in Classical Greek and Latin, achieved my PhD, and have been a college English teacher for fifteen years.  I believe success is not about any natural gifts but about hard work and thinking about why you learn the way that you do, and I teach this way.  

I use the Pimsleur Method, where students learn a body of knowledge, quiz themselves on it, add more body of knowledge, quiz themselves on it ad infinitum.  This is essentially a hyper flashcards method of teaching.  My recommended texts are Wheelock's Latin, or, for students who prefer a more natural language approach, Hans Orberg's Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata, which is available free online.  

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