Meme-tastic Retrospective

nobody can take learning from you - bb king

Here are some of our 'greatest hits' - meme-wise. Feast your eyes if you are looking for some fun and inspiration in the form of images and quotes about music, music education, or learning in general. And share 'em, if you like 'em!  

music's the medicine of the mind

Above designed by Alex Oka
play a man a song or teach a man a song

Above by Alex Oka
benjamin franklin recommends education as an investment
Above designed by Alex Oka. We've produced a couple of memes using this quote, and this is definitely my favorite version.
music is the soul of the universe
Above designed by Dwayne Royall

music expresses feelings the best

Above designed by Dwayne Royall
without music, life would be a mistake

Above is starring Hank, who is one of Lessonface's office mates. He's with an awesome belt company called La Matera. Thanks Hank!

everyone's favorite beatle
Just starting to realize that we need more women in our memes...Nevertheless, Gandhi is how we will wrap this. Look for memes starring women in the near future!

gandhi on lifelong learning - live as if you were going to die tomorrow, learn like you were going to live forever


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