Guitar World Debut! 15 Minute Practice Techniques for Guitar

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We are thrilled to have Steve Stine's Three Steps to Shred in Guitar World today! This master teacher knows how to get students to be really effective with their time, in three simple exercises a day. Lessonface co-founder Ashford Tucker worked closely with Steve in putting this piece together, and I can testify that he was immediately hooked on these techniques. Read the entire lesson in Guitar World here - and please share it far and wide!

There is no doubt that Stine is a master player and educator. It was with that in mind that we have partnered with him to offer a master class series this summer. Lessonface launched with a pure focus on live, one on one lessons, but our technology can extend much further than that. With group master classes, students will have a more structured learning process, allowing a full summer of growth and collaboration, without giving up the interactivity. And all the sessions will be recorded, so enrolled students will be able to see the classes live first, and then go back and review them at their leisure.

Steve Stine is based in Fargo, ND. If you're not in driving distance of this guitar master, this is an unprecedented opportunity to get some serious shredding skills!


>>Go to Steve's Profile and Schedule for Private Lessons

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