Aaron Adams


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Aaron Adams is a saxophonist and music educator currently based out of Chicago. He has a wide range of performance experience, from jazz ensembles, wind symphonies and orchestras to saxophone quartets. Aaron has studied under several well known saxophonists, including Dr. Thomas Snydacker, the current soloist for the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Dr. Jeff Seigfried, professor of saxophone at West Virginia University, and Dr. Jun Watabe, professor of saxophone and clarinet at Colorado Mesa University. Aaron is currently completing a Performer's Certificate and Master's degree in Saxophone Performance at Northern Illinois University. His academic interests include transcription of classical works for saxophone and music education.

My methods for teaching vary from student to student, however these methods revolve around a few core ideas.

First off is the intent and goals set by the student. I have worked with students of all skill levels, and it makes little sense to hold a beginner student enjoying a hobby, to the same strict standards as an undergraduate student preparing for a recital. So having a good understanding of your own wants and goals are important going in, as they help structure lesson plans and overall outcomes of the lessons.

I am a bit stern when it comes to being underprepared for lessons, however, this is primarily for students who look to push themselves as far as they can. This is also to ensure that these students get the most value they can out of each lesson. That said I am very understanding that life happens, and often finds a way of meddling with our practice time. Essentially I want to see the best in my students, but that means different things to different people, and you will find I try my best to curtail my lessons to your abilities and your desired outcome as a musician.

Teaching Experience:

Interim Professor, Woodwind Technology for Music Education
Nothern Illinois University, DeKalb IL
Taught saxophone pedagogy, scales and basic repertoire, construction and care of instrument, and ‘how to teach saxophone’ to undergraduate music education students.

Substitute Teacher for K-12 Music Classes
Unalaska City School, Unalaska AK
Taught general music theory to elementary school children, conducted and directed 3 wind bands for students across middle and high school over 3-week period

I enjoy working with students of all ages, skill sets, and instrument specialties. I offer basic music education, music theory, jazz theory, preparation for state and solo competitions, and advanced work in saxophone.

Beginner lessons are for woodwind instrument students of any age. Lesson topics will include basic music theory, instrumental technical skills, and practice techniques.

Intermediate lessons are for woodwind players at high school level or above. Lesson topics will include applied and intermediate music theory, preparation for state competitions, introduction to instrumental repertoire for solo and ensemble, and an introduction to advanced woodwind technique.

Advanced lessons are for saxophone students only. Lesson topics will include introduction to college level music theory, preparation for collegiate music auditions, college level saxophone repetoire, and advanced extended techniques.

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