Cristóbal Schulkin

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Acoustic Guitar, Classical Guitar, Flamenco Guitar, Guitar, Fingerstyle Guitar, Spanish, Music Theory, Spanish Through Music
(187 reviews)
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-Fingerstyle Guitar teacher of the year 2022-

Cristóbal is an eclectic guitarist with a classical background. Based in Buenos Aires, he has toured Latin America and Europe playing modern Argentine music and pieces of other living composers like Leo Brouwer, Carlo Domeniconi, Johannes Möller, Mathias Duplessy and many others.  He has performed in prestigious theaters in Buenos Aires like Usina del Arte, La Scala de San Telmo, el Museo Casa de Carlos Gardel y el Museo Histórico Nacional, amongst many others. He also took masterclasses with prominent figures in the guitar world like Leo Brouwer, Fabio Zanón, Quique Sinesi, Simone Ianarelli and Kozo tate. He's been teaching guitar for the last 15 years working in different institutions, as well as in the Conservatorio Superior de Música de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires "Astor Piazzolla". He now has a global online guitar studio, with students from all over the world, in countries such as the US, France, Germany, UK, Australia, Egypt and China

A bit about myself:

Hi! My name is Cristóbal, and I'm a classical guitarist from Argentina. I love cultural blends and ethnic music. Check out my video of Koyunbaba IV on YT (it is an example of classical and ethnic music mix). I specialize in Classical Guitar, but I have studied other genres as well.

I love teaching what I love most: guitar! I have a lot of patience (a must for any teacher!). I also believe that listening carefully to my student's likes and needs is key. It might sound obvious, but actually, it's not!

Since I have a classical background, I also coach and teach and prepare, beginners and advanced students for exams in various musical institutions. I also teach music from my country (Tango/Folklore) and Flamenco Guitar as well.

Enlglish / Español


La guitarra es mi pasión principal e intento transmitir lo que sé de la mejor forma y con la mayor paciencia y amor posibles. Soy metódico en las clases y me enfoco en los objetivos e intereses del estudiante, que suelen ser muy variados y diferentes dependiendo de los gustos musicales, edades, objetivos y saberes previos. Enseño tanto a estudiantes que completamente principiantes como algunos muy avanzados y en gran variedad de géneros musicales. 

Preparo estudiantes para exámenes de Conservatorio y otras instituciones musicales.

Soy guitarrista de formación clásica pero con muchas influencias variadas de varios estilos. Toco música clásica, música, argentina, española, rock, blues, música étnica, etc., Me gusta explorar nuevas culturas y nuevas músicas. Pienso que estas apps y sitios donde uno puede conectarse y aprender de otra persona a miles de kilómetros sirven no sólo para aprender conocimientos específicos, sino también para conocer un poco de otras culturas y cambiar un poco la perspectiva!

I have an organized and progressive  teaching method but I am not into prefabricated, over-structured classes. The teaching style really depends on the goals and motivations of the student . I provide an array of guitar materials, books, and scores in PDF.  Total beginners or advanced and experienced players are welcome alike. I also usually write notes after each lesson to summarize what to focus on for the following lesson; this helps keeping your practice well-organized and with clear objectives.

Guitar can be easy if you have the right attitude! Being a good listener, my love for the guitar, and lots of patience are the main assets I rely on for teaching. These lessons may also include custom-made short videos to help your practice. I have an academic and classical background, but I also teach Flamenco, Tango, Folklore, and other Latin American music styles as well.

Reviews from Group Classes

Jose M. on August 12, 2021

Excelente claras, lots of great information call mom the teacher he’s very good and patient and has extensive knowledge. He is very attentive to many details about technique and execution. We will recommend 10 out of 10.

Diving into Flamenco: Soleá
Jose M.
on April 9, 2022

The class was excellent, full of new techniques, I feel will help me improve my guitar skills.

Diving into Flamenco: Soleá
Jose M.
on May 21, 2022

Fantastic Flamenco information; technique; insight. I recommend 100%.

Diving into Flamenco: Soleá
José P.
on April 9, 2022

Very good Met my expectations

Marc W. on August 12, 2021

It would take me 6 thousand words to review what occurred during a magnificent 6 week course, The Classical Guitar Workshop. Sorry, even this note is lengthy! First, I was surprised with Cristobal’s email prior to the course starting. He wanted to know my background and my guitar history. Usually, once I start telling my story, people get bored and/or overwhelmed. Let us say, I am one of the most advanced beginner’s you will find, know much more than I can actually do, am a bit of a guitar nerd, and have guitar stage freight even though I was a University Professor and lectured on and did workshops to professionals in my chosen field. Yes, speak to a group of 2500 is no problem, but play guitar in front of one person is near impossible. Well, the surprise continued when Cristobal even responded to this email with one of nearly equal length and of an equal level of articulation; moreover, I knew unlike others, he actually read it! The same was true for any emails exchanged during the course. I had no stage freight with Cristobal. It was his calm demeanor and manner. I always knew and/or felt he had a “game plan,” a strategy, and several goals for the six sessions. He would even say what the agenda was for the following week. To my surprise, what not only was there always something, if not many somethings, new to me each session, but what seemed to be simple exercises, resulted in my old and arthritic hands functioning like they never have had on the guitar; albeit, I actually have been playing the guitar for let us call it 60 years! Yes, there were exercises, songs, and etudes, but even today, I could review them all, in less than an hour. The point being, rather than spending hours of review in a mechanical way, I was suddenly hearing what I was playing; I could practice in small bursts and actually cover everything, etc. I was no longer practicing and/or playing for hours and just “going through the motions,” I was actually learning and accomplishing more than I had ever envisioned. In the end, I took the course out of curiosity and a “crap shoot;”it resulted in far exceeding any expectations and hopes I would have had if the same was were set astronomically high. Furthermore, what seemed to be an ambitious agenda was accomplished and surpassed. The time went by so fast. Each lesson and the 6 weeks were seemingly a flash and a moment in time; a moment well spent. There was a camaraderie with other students in the class. Usually, in such internet groups, for me, it has remained a group of indivduals with little to no interaction; this was not the case. Cristobal could relate to and teach anyone regardless of their musical background, abilities, age, etc. He was patient, articulate, had depth and breadth and knowledge; yet was willing to also learn from and be interested in his students. He could even keep an old geezer like myself on task and on the path to the goals formally and informally outlined. The course was not what I would call Orthodox Classical. I play a steel string guitar and hold it Flamenco style. It didn’t matter. Whatever was taught easily translated and/or transferred to Fingerstyle and even a bit to Flat Picking...well, at least for me. If I recall correctly, Cristobal was demonstrating something and started playing Beatles tunes. The exercises were melodic, short, not overly difficult; yet, for me, lead to a high degree of gaining finger and control, stability, and better tone production and volume. I could go on further, but am nearing my 6 thousand words. The course and Cristobal were delightful. My regret is I did not know about Cristobal earlier and look forward to further study with him. He made some minor adjustments in how I use my hands and fingers. This had never been mentioned even by in person private lessons for two years I had with a Yale University trained classical and jazz guitarist. Some people might say Cristobal has one weakness….he talks a bit, but so do I...and for that matter, it is not idle chatter….it is relevant and he is on topic with an abundance of detail; for me, there was never a question, even after the fact, what to do, what he wanted, and when to do it. Yes, Cristobal might talk quite a bit, but paradoxically, he listens magnificently to the sound from your guitar and to each and every word you will say to him and ask! However, be forewarned, his 6 session beginning classical guitar series is not about learning several classical songs, it is about learning to play the guitar and/or increasing awareness and polishing already obtained competencies! Beware, it will take some time and effort to profit from Cristobal’s tutelage, coaching, and teaching. Fortunately, over the 6 weeks I went from grinding through hours a day with very slow and minimal progress to making massive progress in 30 minutes a day! When I was a kid there was a movie Around the World in 80 Days which is based upon a book from the 1700s which at those times would have been quite a feat. Fast forward, a comprehensive overview of Classical Guitar in 6 hours is quite a feat. If we would have covered half what we did, I would have been more than satisfied and I would have not ever thought such progress with my stage freight and developing accommodations for my arthritic hands would have been accomplished given the number of other teachers who have failed; what is most remarkable, Cristobal did not really alter the curriculum to accomplish this. It was the exercises he already planned, albeit with myself or any of the other students with as needed a specific suggestion or tweaking for all of us! There is an ancient aphorism, “When the student appears, the teacher appears!” Was I suddenly more ready than anytime in the last 7 years since I resumed playing? Was it a different level of rapport? Was it serendipity? Was the timing right? Was it things I have been taught several times over and it suddenly was an ah ha experience? Was it something about Cristobal which clicked with me? From my vantage, it does not matter, it happened on his watch and cerainly it was not my sudden flight into health and recovery following several recent surgeries or spending more guitar time! There are no guarantees! I have a Ph.D in Clinical Psychology and one of my most influential teachers was a Spanish teacher during my first year of undergraduate work! You never know when the right person comes along even if the person does nothing more than point you in the right direction. I found this in Cristobal with a qualification, others have made contributions along the way and are not to be minimized or forgotten. I took a small risk and reaped more rewards than anticipated; yet, this would not have happened had I been passive or a mere observer! Yes, something clicked this time! I could say more, but surely my 6 thousand words has expired or so I thought, it was ONLY 1227. Good Luck. Savor the Music! Just maybe some day you will venture back and realize what you have learned!

Diving into Flamenco: Soleá
Jose M.
on April 30, 2022

Excellent; Cristobal is extremely talented and great at communicating style and rhythms of the intricate patterns of Solea. Great class!

UNA (Universidad Nacional de las Artes) - Buenos Aires - Bachelor's Degree in Classical Guitar (Licenciatura en Guitarra Clásica) Conservatorio Superior de Música "Manuel de Falla" - Teacher Certification in Guitar Conservatorio Superior de Música de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires "Astor Piazzolla" International Musical Education Seminars in Argentina and Uruguay Masterclasses with Leo Brouwer, among others.

Bachelor's Degree in Classical Guitar, UNA - Universidad Nacional de las Artes, Buenos Aires).

I play Classical  Guitar, Flamenco Guitar and other styles as well. 

Ask me about Conservatoire exams, I coach students in different musical institutions. With today's technology, distance is not a problem anymore. Feel free to contact me to ask me anything regarding the lessons. 

I have 15 years of teaching experience in all levels and ages and I did Concert tours in countries like Argentina, Uruguay,  Spain and Portugal.  I took Masterclasses with international academic guitar figures like Leo Brouwer, Quique Sinesi, Fabio Zanon, Nora Buschmann among others . I've been working in 'Ástor Piazzolla', official Conservatory here in Buenos Aires since 2014. In this institution I learn from great teachers (and students as well) every day, and for that I am very grateful! 


15 años de experiencia en la enseñanza en todos los niveles y edades. Conciertos y giras en España, Portugal, Uruguay e importantes salas de Argentina.Trabajo en el Conservatorio oficial "Ástor Piazzolla", aquí en Buenos Aires desde el año 2014, donde aprendo de grandes maestros (¡y de grandes alumnos!) todos los días.

English - Español

Soy Cristóbal,  graduado de UNA (Argentina) con licenciatura en guitarra clásica. Tengo más de 15 años de experiencia docente y realicé giras en Latinoamérica y Europa como solista. Las clases incluyen videos personalizados para ayudarte a repasar lo que vimos en cada clase. Ahora con la tecnología la distancia ya no es un problema. Pregúntame lo que quieras!

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