Emily Chamelin

Fiber Arts


Emily Chamelin comes to farming after two decades as a commercial sheep shearer. Her shearing experience took her around the USA and the world as she competed in multiple American shearing contests and three world sheep shearing championship competitions. Her travels have enabled her to observe all manner of sheep breeds and management types which have helped to inform her transition into full time farming where her efforts are dedicated to raising Border Cheviot sheep on pasture in her home state of Maryland. This focus has led her to explore all types of grazing including intensive regenerative grazing, grazing cover crops and crop residues, and solar grazing (grazing in solar power installations). Emily has served on the American Sheep Industry Wool Council, Board of Directors for the Maryland Sheep Breeders (currently Vice President) and the American Sheep Shearers Council. She is also co-founder of the Maryland Lamb Company.

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