João Ribeiro

Audio Ear Training, Audition Prep, Clarinet, English, Music Theory, Portuguese

Lesson Fees
from $19.00 / 30 Minutes

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Motivation is the key to have the students learning more and more. When they are enjoying what they are doing, they get much more curious about it, and that makes the knowledge much more deeper than something that is "learned" by obligation.

My goal is to give every student the opportunity to learn music. It is such a great tool we can use for our lives, that everyone should have access to it .

"Never stop learning, because life never stops teaching" - Emmily Vara

I began my musical studies when he was 9 years old. Later finished a Bachelor in Music at Minho University and am currently finishing a Master in Music Teaching. 

As a music player I have participated in several competitions, among them, the 16th edition of the Gheorghe Dima International Music Competition, the International Clarinet Competition in Hořice, Czech Republic, the International Music Competition "Marco Fiorindo" in Italy and the 18th edition of the Competition of Interpretation in Estoril.

He has received the followings awards: -

2nd prize in the 3rd Luso Espanhol Competition in Fafe;

1rd prize in the 3rd Wind Instruments Competition of the Valentim Moreira de Sá Music Academy;

2rd prize in the International Wind Instruments Competition "Terras De La Salette;

2º prize in the 4th Int ernational Wind Competition of Alto Minho;

Honorable Mention in the IV Wind Competition of the Valentim Moreira de Sá Music Academy;

Honorable Mention in the 3rd “Cidade de Ourense” Clarinet Competition.

3rd prize in the 4th “Cidade de Ourense” Clarinet Competition.

3rd prize ex aequo 6th International Wind Competition of Alto Minho.

Motivation is the key to have the students learning more and more. When they are enjoying what they are doing, they get much more curious about it, and that makes the knowledge much more deeper than something that is "learned" by obligation.

My goal is to give every student the opportunity to learn music. It is such a great tool we can use for our lives, as well as it might be a great mind reliever.

I am currently finishing a Master in Music Teaching in Minho University in Portugal. Learning music is still not available to everyone, while in my opinion it should be. The point should be to teach everyone to have some music habilities, that might be very useful in all types of situations.


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