Kimberly Radcliffe

Fiber Arts


The Unapologetic Raw Fleece Enabler...Kimberly loves nothing more than to have her hands in a fresh raw fleece! Joy for her is washing that raw fleece, combing it and spinning it into a beautiful skein of yarn, usually very fine lace. Sometimes she makes something with the yarn, but usually just finds another fleece to wash, comb and spin into more yarn! She has been spinning since 2009 and loves to share what she has learned, teaching classes on fleece selection, fiber prep and spinning. You will usually find her volunteering in the fleece barn at any festival she happens to be attending. She spins yarn, gardens and bakes bread in central Virginia. Check out her website,

Very patient with beginners and loves seeing the moment when things click! The joy in a student's smile when they've learned something new...priceless!

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