Marcy Petrini

Fiber Arts


I have been teaching for over 40 years locally at the Mississippi Craft Center operated by the Mississippi Craftsmen's Guild, of which I am a fellow. I have also taught for guilds, and conferences, especially Convergences almost all of them since the 90s. In 2016 the Craftsmen's Guild of Mississippi awarded me a Lifetime Achievement Award for my teaching.

Since 2020 I have also been teaching on zoom, for guild programs, seminars and workshops. I teach beginning weaving, about various weaving structures, color, design and inspiration.

For almost every topic that I teach, I develop a monograph that I make available to participants. I think students find it useful to have written information after a session. I find that if I can write it, I can explain it better. I am the feature writer for "Right from the Start", the quarterly column in Shuttle Spindle & Dyepot. I also write a monthly blog available on my website.

Visit Marcy’s website at, and find her on Facebook @marcypetrini.

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