Peter Rapli


Lesson Fees
from $30.00 / 30 Minutes


Born in Szombathely, Hungary

My musical journey has begun in Takács Jenő Music School in Szentgotthárd, Hungary, from 2004 to 2010.  Subsequently, I continued my studies at the Conservatory in Szombathely from 2011 to 2015.

In pursuit of higher musical education, I embarked on a journey at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz. Under the mentorship of Prof. Wolfgang Klinser, I completed my Bachelor's studies for clarinet from 2015 to 2019, followed by a Master's program in the same discipline from 2019 to 2022. Currently, I am furthering my expertise at the university in the field of Instrumental Pedagogy since 2023.

I contribute to the Wind Orchestra in Szentgotthárd, Hungary, from 2008 and had the privilege of being part of the EUYO Campus Orchestra in Grafenegg in 2011. Notably, I was a member of the Orchestra of the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz from 2015 to 2022. Additionally, I collaborated with the Vseslovenski Simfonični Orkester in Ljubljana in 2016, the International Young Soloists Orchestra at the Sziget Festival in Budapest in 2017, and the Hungarian State Opera in Budapest under the baton of Istvan Dénes in the same year.

As a soloist, I have had the honor of performing with the Savaria Symphony Orchestra and have been part of the Trillusion Duo since 2019.

My commitment to continuous improvement led me to engage in master classes and private lessons with esteemed educators such as Ferenc Hotzi, Bertram Egger, Charles Neidich, István Varga, János Maczák, Laurie Bloom, Nicolas Cox, Peter Schmiedl, Zoltán Arnóth, Wolfgang Klinser, David Blumberg, and Mate Bekavac.

Recognitions for my dedication include scholarships from Virginia Commonwealth University in 2018 and the Society of the Friends of the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz in 2019. Since 2019, I have shared my knowledge and passion for the clarinet as a teacher at the Musikschule Talentum in Graz, contributing to the musical development of aspiring students.

Alongside my musical passion, I've always been fascinated by technology. As a hobby I looked into web development which was fueled by a desire to create tools that connect the art of music with the power of technology. I have developed Tuning Charts, an AI driven application which helps woodwind musicians to analyze the pitch tendencies and timbre of their instruments and compare different equipment - mouthpieces, reeds, barrels etc. within seconds. I am working on this project since 2023.

With 5 years of teaching experience and a master's degree, I offer clarinet lessons for beginners and advanced students.
My main goal is to share my love of music. The lessons are therefore very individualized and range from classical to jazz, from chamber music to polyphonic recordings.

If I have sparked your interest, please send me a message! :)

  • Perfekt! Peter ist ein absoluter Profi der mit viel Freude und Begeisterung die Klarinette unterrichtet. Ob Klassik, Jazz oder Klezmer - ich fühle mich bei Peter bestens betreut! Für mich ist Peter DER ideale Klarinettenlehrer.

  • Perfekt! Peter ist ein sehr kompetenter, geduldiger Lehrer, der beim Unterricht eine entspannte Atmosphäre schafft, in der man trotzdem viel lernt. Er ist top motiviert und bereitet sich gut auf die Stunden vor, wobei er auch auf meine Ziele und Wünsche eingeht.
    Ich habe in den wenigen bisherigen Stunden von ihm schon viele Dinge gelernt, die in den vielen Jahren Musikschule meiner Jugend nicht thematisiert wurden.
    Ich bin sehr zufrieden und freue mich auf die nächsten Stunden!

  • Peter passt seinen Unterricht perfekt an meine Bedürfnisse an und hat meine Fertigkeiten erheblich verbessert. Seine Expertise und seine einfühlsame Art schaffen eine inspirierende Lernumgebung. Ich bin sehr zufrieden! :)

  • I highly recommend Pèter as a clarinet teacher. I have been taking clarinet lessons with him for the past year, and have seen significant improvement in my playing as a result. Pèter is an experienced and knowledgeable teacher, with a deep understanding of clarinet technique and musicality. He is patient and encouraging, and always find a way to tailor their lessons to my individual needs and goals.

  • Ich habe 2 Jahre lang bei ihm gelernt. Er ist ein professioneller Musiker und ein großartiger Lehrer, der mir in jeder Unterrichtsstunde die Liebe zur Musik näher gebracht hat. Leider haben sich unsere Wege aus beruflichen Gründen getrennt, aber ich habe ihm viel zu verdanken.


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