Samantha Hozven

Singing, Voice, Musical Theatre, Pop Voice, Piano for Singers, Copyright Law for Musicians, Songwriting, Commercial Songwriting, Songwriting Arrangement, Songwriting Form, Songwriting Melody, Top-Line Songwriting, Music Theory, Audition Prep from Berklee Alumni, Audio Recording and Music Production

Lesson Fees
from $26.00 / 30 Minutes


Hi! My name is Sam and I am so excited to help teach you the beauty and accessibility of singing and songwriting! I have a Vocalist and Songwriting Degree from Berklee College of Music, and I've been teaching privately, through non-profits, and in classrooms for almost 8 years. Whether you are looking for vocal lessons, songwriting lessons, music theory lessons, or even necessary information about contracts and publishing, I am happy to teach you all I've learned. I have taught all ages and all levels, from absolute beginners to masters looking for tips on technique, editing, and production.  A bit about me, I love all genres of music, I am based in NY, I have a dog named Gus, and I love Real Madrid the football team. I am so excited to meet you :) 

My teaching style depends on YOU! Depending on your level, confidence, comfort, and access to practice time/instruments, we will spend the first meeting finding out the best way to seamlessly integrate practice and lessons :) I know practicing and learning new things can sometimes be overwhelming, so my favorite way to teach is to break concepts up into small, easily understandable pieces. I'm happy to work with you and learn your favorite ways to learn! 

Vocal and Songwriting Degree from Berklee College of Music

Taught privately and publically at the following establishments within the last 3 years:

- Bellport Middle School, Music Teacher (2 years)

- Grace Music School, Private Instructor (over a year)

- Mattapan Youth Center, Inner City Teaching Program through Berklee (over 2 years)

- Private Home Lessons across LI and Boston (over 2 years)

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