Our Latest Blog on Music & Instruments

Don't Miss the Jazz Lab for Ukulele with Khabu

Ukulele Jazz Group Class with Khabu

It's the final week to sign up for the Jazz Lab with Khabu! The reknowned ukulele and guitar teacher Khabu will be teaching this live seminar in two sessions, each 90 minutes long. Students will be able to attend the live sessions online, including Q&A sessions, and also view the recordings of the classes after the live sessions. 

Steve Stine Teaching Blues Fundamentals with Guitar World

Guitar World logo

Steve Stine and Lessonface today released a lesson on Blues Fundamentals on Guitar World, the second lesson for Guitar World that we've put together this summer. Including notation and video, as well as a written lesson, this piece gives a great overview in Blues Basics. 

Check it out on Guitar World.

So Much Music to Play, So Little Time!

Piano player

By Elina Christova, Piano Teacher for Beginners to the Musically Advanced

Have you ever wondered what it takes to become a musician, and why you should even bother? Here are five compelling reasons to find an amazing teacher on Lessonface.com and start learning an instrument today!

Press for Lessonface in I Care If You Listen

i care if you listen

Thanks so much to Thomas Deneuville and Dana Wen for including Lessonface in their piece "Music Lessons 2.0" in the latest issue of I Care if You Listen. I Care If You Listen is an awesome classical music 'zine. If you have not already, you should go to the Apple store and check it out immediately (there's a trial before you start paying for the subscription).

Some choice quotes include:

Soloing Master Class One Week Away

players series soloing sign up online group guitar class

Soloing with Steve Stine starts next Saturday, August 3. Space is limited, so sign up now to make sure you get a seat! Sign-ups will close on Friday, August 2 at 3 pm EST.

The Soloing Series includes four Saturday sessions on soloing over the month of August, taking intermediate electric guitar players through:

Ways to Make Your Audition Easy

Audition, MUNY Auditions, La Sara

 As audition dates in several U.S. cities quickly approach once again for the Berklee College of Music many hopeful musicians are looking for guidance that can prepare them for this exciting and intimidating process.

Music Making and Wellness

Logo of the Yamaha Music and Wellness Institute

Want to learn about the physical effects of recreational music making on the human body?

We just discovered the really fascinating website of Yamaha Music and Wellness Institute, a non-profit arm of Yamaha dedicated to the study of recreational music making as a wellness strategy. Results of some of their research is shown in a couple of very cool interactive tools and much more extensively documented in papers. 

Just Wing It For Once!

Miles Davis Quote

By Willie Dawkins, Lessonface Summer Intern

Music is one of those great studies that is simultaneously an art form of human expression and a technical field of expertise. Music has been part of my life since 7th grade, when I started playing the flute in concert band. I went on to become a self-identified band geek through high school. These were truly transformative years in my life. Now I’m at Clarkson University in Potsdam, NY where I’m studying Engineering and Management, but I can never forget the music that has been a part of my life since then.

Guitar World Debut! 15 Minute Practice Techniques for Guitar

Guitar World logo

We are thrilled to have Steve Stine's Three Steps to Shred in Guitar World today! This master teacher knows how to get students to be really effective with their time, in three simple exercises a day. Lessonface co-founder Ashford Tucker worked closely with Steve in putting this piece together, and I can testify that he was immediately hooked on these techniques.


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