Press for Lessonface in I Care If You Listen

i care if you listen

Thanks so much to Thomas Deneuville and Dana Wen for including Lessonface in their piece "Music Lessons 2.0" in the latest issue of I Care if You Listen. I Care If You Listen is an awesome classical music 'zine. If you have not already, you should go to the Apple store and check it out immediately (there's a trial before you start paying for the subscription).

Some choice quotes include:

  • "Canned content can be great, but learning to play an instrument is challenging. Having an experienced guide to show you the way is invaluable, whether you're a complete beginner, or at a stage where you're starting to fall into a rut or to plateau."
  • "[Lessonface] provides their network of instructors and students with built-in videoconferencing software and an efficient user interface, then steps out of the way to let teachers and students do what they do best."
  • "High quality teaching from seasoned instructors has earned Lessonface a loyal, growing group of students."
  • "Distance learning isn't the future of education. It's the present." Julian Hasse.

If we do say so ourselves, it's a great piece. Go to To see the article you'll need to sign up for the magazine.

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