Our Latest Blog on Music & Instruments

A Case For Learning To Play The Didgeridoo

Four didgeridoos with decorative inlayed artwork.

Playing the didgeridoo has opened doors to places, events, and people I may never have found any other way. 

So, why invest your time and resources in purchasing and learning to play a didgeridoo?

Twenty years ago I was asking myself the same question. I have been a guitarist most of my life, however in high school I played brass instruments also. Around age 40, I got the idea that it would be great to get back into the wind instruments, so on a lark I bought a cornet at a pawn shop. 

Lessonface Recital Week - August 1-5

Lessonface provides performance opportunities for everyone.

How do we learn to sing or play an instrument, whether the goal is to enjoy a new hobby or to become a professional musician? We take regular lessons with a good teacher, and we practice regularly. How do we learn to perform? We practice performing! 

Lessonface presents LESSONFEST: Join the Week-Long Free Music and Arts Learning Extravaganza

Lessonface announces LESSONFEST, a weeklong festival July 25-31 of 100+ free live online music, language, and arts classes and activities like Goal Giveaways, Teacher Technology Roundtable, Meet the Instruments sessions, and more.

How Learning Music Boosts Your Brain Power

Playing music improves our mood, benefits our long-term emotional health, connects us to those around us, and is the best part? Playing music is fun and personally rewarding.  If happiness and enjoyment alone aren’t enough to justify making space for music lessons in your busy schedule, learning music is also one of the best things you can possibly do for your mind. 

7 Tips For Teaching Music To Kids

Teaching kids music as a parent or an educator is not always easy! Every child is different, and learning how to read and play music can be hard. Music is like any other language; there are a lot of small parts to keep track of, not to mention short attention spans to manage.

Advanced Audio Settings on Zoom

Zoom Meetings, the video conferencing app we use for lessons and classes, released an update with some exciting new audio features.

Important to note that these settings are not required in order to use Lessonface and most users will have a totally okay experience by leaving these settings as they are.

We recommend these settings to users if their audio is cutting off when playing over backing tracks, when playing in the higher or lower registers, or when playing sustained or percussive sounds.

Free Lessonface Learning Tools

Free music learning tools

Free Apps and Downloads

Lessonface is committed to helping teachers and students. This page lists a variety of free resources Lessonface has created for use in the classroom, in private lessons, or when learning independently. Bookmark this page and check back for new free content!

On Student Success — MET Orchestra Tubist Christopher J. Hall

After a conversation with Christopher J. Hall, Principal Tuba of the MET Orchestra since 1996, it would seem that when it comes to becoming a professional musician there are certainly particular actions that students can take; but it can essentially be pared down to one basic principle. Be the best you can be.

Quick Tips from MET Orchestra Percussionists

We had the opportunity to ask percussionists of the MET Orchestra for their quick tips for students who are serious in their percussion studies. Read on for details.

A Conversation with MET Orchestra Harpist Mariko Anraku

“What advice would you give to students who are seriously invested in their future as a harpist?”

“Consistency. Commitment. Perseverance. Patience.

"Courage to keep going no matter what happens — and the courage to bounce back. Staying positive and motivated. Not being hard on oneself. Keep the spark and joy in music — and have fun. Enjoy and love the music that you’re playing in every moment.”


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