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The Power of the Ukulele- It's not just for Cutesy Pop Songs!

What's the first thing that comes to mind when thinking of the ukulele? Is it of someone playing Somewhere Over the Rainbow? Or a singer/songwriter playing a soft ballad? Something like the volcano love song in the Pixar short film? I'm here to tell you that the ukulele can do so much more than that. Don't get me wrong, I love sentimental ballads, but the ukulele can also lead ragtime, jazz, blues, or strange, ethereal tunes, too. 

Putting Your Band Together

There are several ways of being in a band. One is to join an existing band-whether by invite or through an audition. Joining an existing band can be tricky, as you can never really tell what they’re looking for. They may be looking to maintain their current sound and image, or they may be looking for something new to shake things up and possibly point to a new direction. Power struggles and personality clashes could be lurking behind every decision and you, being the new guy, are caught in the middle.

Advice for Adult Beginners of Guitar

Leah with guitar on computer with cat

I fell in love with classical guitar decades ago, and have been wanting to learn ever since.  Did I miss my chance?

My youngest child just started school, and I want to do something for myself.  Am I too old for music lessons?

I just retired and finally have time for a hobby.  I really love flamenco and Spanish guitar, but it seems so difficult.  Can an old dog learn new tricks?

How to Use Scales - Easy Guitar Licks

Hands with guitar image from rod

Learning how to use scales to create solos can be very frustrating sometimes -- especially when the process itself sounds so simple. For example, want to learn how to create bluesy/rock solos? Learn the Minor Pentatonic scale. Here is the shape for it:
E Minor Pentatonic: E G A B D

Bouncing Ball Hand-Eye Coordination Exercise

Tennis ball hand eye coordination exercise

Use this simple method to improve your students’ hand-eye coordination. Explain the methods involved, and then demonstrate a few times before testing. For younger/beginner students, it introduces the value of hand-eye coordination. It’s also effective in a group setting with multiple students. This is a proven method I have used for years.

Fit as a Fiddle: Positive Health Benefits of Music Education

Live online music lessons at Lessonface

Little did I know how much music would influence my life the day I first set my fingers on a piano keyboard.  I first began piano lessons when I was five years old, my feet barely able to touch the pedals.  Not only did I take weekly lessons, but I also participated in competitions and took annual listening and music theory exams.  Soon, I started playing cello and French horn, as well as taking horseback riding, fencing, and dance lessons.  Although I eventually decided to pause my music education once I entered into high school so that I could focus more on dance, I am still determined to

The Perks of Being a Musician: Brain Function and Music Education

Brain Function and Music Education, LessonFace.com

As if you needed more reasons to learn an instrument, this article will explore some of science’s discoveries on the subject of the benefits of music lessons. This topic is also significant as more and more arts programs are cut in schools around the United States due to economic restrictions. The benefits of music education underscore the importance of keeping these programs in school curricula.

Dealing with Performance Anxiety

Sweaty palms. Irregular breathing. Memory lapses. Feelings of fear and dread. What’s happening—marching to the gallows?  Facing a firing squad? Bungee jumping? 

No, you may be about to perform some music in front of an audience. You’ve practiced for weeks (or months, or more) and you may have even done it all before. You’ve got some talent and you’re in perfectly good health, as far as you know. So why the fuss?

Side-by-Side Comparison: Public University & Private Music Conservatory

So you are thinking about attending college and perhaps majoring in music? There are many wonderful programs out there at both public universities and private conservatories.

Here is a side-by-side comparison to help dispel the differences between the two in order for you to gain a sense of which higher education option is the best fit for you.


Public University

Music Conservatory

Benefits of Having a Music Degree

Music is no easy profession. While many have the belief that you do not need to formally study music, I'd like to share some of the benefits of having a degree in music, including where your studies may lead you and what doors may open upon completing a bachelors or masters degree in music.


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