Fabulous Felt and Nuno Felt Hats with Dawn Edwards

About Fabulous Felt and Nuno Felt Hats with Dawn Edwards

I love making hats and can’t wait to share my passion with you. I like to think of hats as wearable works of art, small felt sculptures in fact. During our felt exploration, there will be time for experimentation, as well as inspiration, as we create fabulous felt and nuno-felt hats through the wet-felting process. We will focus on techniques, patterns, and concepts in the design our felt millinery creations. You will love the artistic possibilities, with functionality as an added bonus. Such a dilemma…So many hat styles and only one head! Which style will you choose? Fun, whimsical, flashy, classic? Problem solved…Perhaps, all of the above in our fun time together! All levels welcome.

Materials, Equipment, and Supplies the Student Must Bring to Class

• 18-21 micron Merino wool top. Please make sure that your wool is Not Superwash as it will not felt. You will finish at least one hat, and may start a second, so bring along extra wool. Amounts needed will vary: My hats range in weight between 2.5 ounces to 6 ounces each. Living Felt carries a wide variety of Merino wool top*.
• Optional embellishments: lightweight silk fabric (chiffon, etc.) for nuno-felted hats, lightweight beaded silk fabrics, vintage cotton doilies, silk hankies. I love repurposing vintage beaded silk clothing found at thrift shops, eBay, etc., and will show you how I incorporate those in my hat-making…be on the lookout and do check the label to make sure that the garment is silk and that the silk base is lightweight.
• One Polystyrene (Styrofoam) floral wreath, smooth, round edge, 12-inch (30-31cm.) diameter (the color does not matter). Available at all craft stores such as Michaels.
• Several old bath size towels and a plastic bag to put wet towels in.
• Bubble wrap (small bubbles), minimum size of 2 ft. wide x 6 ft. length. This can be purchased through Living Felt* by the foot.
• A plastic bucket or plastic bowl (mixing bowl) for water…available at most dollar stores.
• Olive oil soap or your favorite soap for felting. Olive oil soap is available at Living Felt* and is very mild on your hands.
• Sprinkler bottle or Ballbrause water sprinkler. The Ballbrause makes for a very fine spray, so as not to disturb your wool layout, and is available at Living Felt*
• PVC pipe, wooden dowel or pool noodle (you will only need half, so if that’s easier for packing, just snip it in two).
• Stretchy ties (I just snip long strips from an old t-shirt ready to be discarded). The ties assist in keeping your felt tightly bundled when rolling.
• Sewing kit to include: Sharp pointy scissors for cutting felt and scissors for cutting plastic, sewing needle, thread, stainless-steel quilting pins, and a tape measure.
• Notebook, pen, and a black permanent (Sharpie) marker.
• If you have any cool buttons, brooches, feathers, etc., they make lovely embellishments to your hat. I will also demonstrate how to make a beautiful felt flower to add to your hat.
• A simple wooden ‘crown hat block’ (also referred to as a utility block) in your head size if you have one, or a less expensive but equally good option, a cloth wig form in your head size. If bringing a wood hat block, plastic cling wrap/film or plastic bag to cover your wood hat block so that it does not warp due to moisture. Please contact me if you need help in sourcing this.
• Optional: Wet-felting mesh fabric (I like to use this to add soap to my piece without disturbing my wool layout). Available at Living Felt.
• Optional: Any wet-felting tools that you may have, such as the Palm Washboard.
*If you need a resource for any felting supplies, Living Felt is happy to assist:

Materials Fee (to be paid directly to the instructor) and Kit Description

$20 - includes laminate material for 2 hat patterns of student's choice, plastic resist material, written instructions, felt flower kit.


Gather supplies

Skill Level

Suitable for all

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The class will meet on Wednesday and Thursday, May 1st and 2nd, from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm, for a total of 12 hours of instruction. See the class schedule below.

Class Location

Howard County Arts Council - Classroom 8

9:00 AM - 4:00 PM EDT
Fabulous Felt and Nuno Felt Hats with Dawn Edwards
Dawn Edwards

How It Works

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Dawn Edwards

    Dawn Edwards is a felt artist and tutor based in Plainwell, Michigan USA. She sells her work under the label 'Felt So Right’ and teaches extensively within the USA and internationally. Her felt art has appeared in numerous exhibitions, shows, magazines and books, including Ellen Bakker's book Worldwide Colours of Felt, several issues of the Australian FELT Magazine, the International Feltmakers Association Felt Matters journal, the HGA journal Shuttle, Spindle & Dyepot. Dawn’s felt vessel, ‘The Earth Beneath My Feet’ (2022) and her 'Blue Coral' felt hat (2020) were both chosen as juried selections for FELT: Fiber Transformed in the magazine Fiber Art Now. Dawn is the co-coordinator of the not-forprofit group 'Felt United' which currently has over 7,500 members with the goal of uniting feltmakers from all around the world. Visit Dawn's website at https://www.feltsoright.com, and find her on Instagram @dawn_edwards.

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Lessonface's mission is to help students achieve their goals while treating teachers equitably. Since 2012, we've hosted more than 30,000 students and 2,000 teachers for over 500,000 music, language, and arts lessons and classes online. We are thrilled to be facilitating the online registration for the in person Fiber Arts Seminars for the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival.

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