Weaving Outside the Box: 12 Projects for Creating Dimensional Cloth

About Weaving Outside the Box: 12 Projects for Creating Dimensional Cloth

Color and structure are cited as the two most expressive elements in weaving, while texture is overlooked. When we weave with three-dimensional pleats, curves, and other forms, we can create cloth with the organic lines and shapes of nature. Using certain structures, active and inactive yearns, and finishing techniques, this workshop looks at how to expand your weaving repertoire to create "tactile art."

You'll choose a project for 4, 6, 8, 12, or 16 shafts from my book, Weaving Outside the Box, and begin the workshop with your loom dressed and ready to go. This workshop is designed for intermediate weavers, those who know how to dress a loom and read a draft.

Students, please note the class schedule: The first two sessions will be 1 - 4:30pm EDT with a break at the midpoint of class. The final session is 1 - 2:30pm EDT.

The class recordings will be available for 30 days after the last class.

The capacity for this class is 50 students.

Class Materials Needed

For a materials fee of $45 (includes shipping), students must purchase a copy of Denise’s book to be shipped before class (or download the Kindle version). Denise is also working on a possible discount code from Lunatic Fringe Yarns for workshop participants when they purchase “energized yarns” from their shop.

Students will also need a pre-warped loom with a draft based on one or more of the projects in the book, appropriate weft yarns, and weaving tools. Enrolled students will receive a detailed materials list and handout.

Age Range

Teens and Adults

Skill Level

Intermediate to advanced - comfortable with equipment, experienced in a variety of techniques, able to plan, draft, and design work

Contact the Teacher

Send a direct message from the teacher's profile page with any questions you might have about the class.

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The class will meet for two 3.5-hour live online sessions at 1 pm ET | 10 am PT on October 14 and 15, then on October 22 from 1-2:30 pm ET | 10-11:30 am PT.

Enrolled students receive 30-day access to the video recordings of the classes.

1:00 PM - 2:30 PM EDT
Weaving Outside the Box: 12 Projects for Creating Dimensional Cloth
Denise Kovnat

How It Works

Enroll above to save your spot in the class. Lessonface will send you a confirmation right away, and a Zoom link 24 hours before the class start time. You can log into your Lessonface dashboard to access class materials, communicate with your instructor, join the live Zoom session, and access the class recordings and chat transcript afterward. This class, and all lessons and classes on Lessonface, are covered by the Lessonface Guarantee.

Denise Kovnat

Denise Kovnat

A weaver since 1998, Denise Kovnat has taught virtually and at conferences and guilds across the United States, Canada, and Australia. She focuses on parallel threadings, collapse techniques, painted warps, and deflected doubleweave. In 2022, she published a book on collapse techniques, Weaving Outside the Box: 12 Projects for Creating Dimensional Cloth.

MAFA - The MidAtlantic Fiber Association

MAFA - The MidAtlantic Fiber Association

The MidAtlantic Fiber Association (MAFA) represents and supports a community of fiber arts guilds in the greater Mid-Atlantic region.

About Lessonface, PBC

Lessonface's mission is to help students achieve their goals while treating teachers equitably. Since 2012, we've hosted more than 30,000 students and 2,500 teachers for live music, language, and arts lessons and classes online.

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