Get Started on Alto Flute with Chris Potter

chris potter flute retreat group photo

Renowned alto and bass flutist Dr. Christine Potter is offering an Alto Flute Workshop January 17-31 on Lessonface (Read more about the workshop). We are very happy to have her here answering a few questions about her approach to learning, and some words of advice for aspiring low flutists.

Lessonface: How were you first introduced to your instrument? How did you learn to play?
Chris Potter: I was taken to a flute recital when I was about 9 and thought it was the most beautiful sound I had ever heard. I played in band as most people do, and when I finally started taking lessons at age 15, I had much to unlearn before I could move forward again.

Lessonface: What do you think is the best path to learners now? Do you recommend a book/ pedagogical method?
Chris Potter: I like the new edition of "A New Tune a Day" for beginners. Most students I teach however, are working out of the band method they are using in school, or, are adults who have come back to playing after many years of not playing. You have to be flexible when picking materials to fit the student and usually a combination of books works best.

Lessonface: What advice would you give someone wanting to learn your instrument?
Chris Potter: Be patient and practice every day for small amounts of time for best results.

Lessonface: If you had to recommend one video or song for new fans or prospective students to check out in order to understand you and your style, what would it be?


Lunar Mural 1 on alto flute

Sidewalk on bass flute 

Lessonface: What are your current musical projects? What new developments or events in your field are you most excited about?
Chris: I am planning a solo recital in the spring that will feature pieces on five different flutes from countries around the world. I will be helping the Galway's in both of their Flute Festival's as flute choir coordinator and conducting a low flutes choir at both Festivals. I continue to commission and premiere new pieces for low flutes and meet new and exciting people in the process. I am bringing low flutes to the rest of the world and new opportunities are always opening up. For the 11th year, I am teaching Alto and Bass Flute Retreats. This four-day event emphasizes the performance of chamber music culminating in a public performance. There will be two Retreats in 2015 both in June. One will be in Asheville, North Carolina, one will be in Boulder, Colorado.

Lessonface: Do you have any favorite quotes about music, learning, or your instrument you would like us to share?
Chris: The metronome must become your friend.
To find a smaller embouchure opening think "Skinny Lips!"
For better tone when tonguing (from Geoffrey Gilbert) "Forte air, Piano tongue."

Thanks again to Chris for doing this quick interview. We hope you enjoyed it. To learn more - a lot more - from Dr. Christine Potter, sign up for her Alto Flute Workshop, which starts January 17, and which is available to students all over the world via live, high-quality video conferencing on the Lessonface system. More.
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