Creating Stronger Solos

Most people think when they see their favorite guitarist solo, he/she is sweating rainbows and sparkles of guitar godliness: that maybe a thick cloud of inspiration hit them and he/she is now playing the best solo ever imaginable. Well, lemme tell you something, my friends: that is far from true. That solo was built from years and years of studying riffs, licks, techniques and developing tools necessary to build great solos. 

"Well, Simone, I don’t have years and years of time to learn riffs and licks…
I wanna be a great soloist now!" 

I’ve got good news and bad news. The bad news is that you still have to put in the work to practice. But if you love playing the guitar and you love to practice, the good news is that building solos isn’t as hard as it might seem. All you need are the right tools. In my upcoming course, Creating Stronger Solos, I will touch a little bit on the basics of theory and scales. Once you have those tools under your belt, the majority of the rest of the class will focus on helping you to develop concepts that -- with some practice -- will help reach your fullest potential with soloing with whereever you are right now. 

You don’t have to know that much theory to be a great soloist.

Facts. Every guitar solo is a story. I repeat! Every guitar solo is a story! The first part of the solo should introduce the characters, the plot, the setting. As you familiarize the listener with that, then you can build to the climax and the conflict. The last part of your solo should be the resolution. Sure, theory helps with building your solos. But most of these concepts are easily applicable if you know the basics of guitar. To build great solos you use certain concepts (which I will teach) with the knowledge you already know! 

Why build better solos? 

You ever find yourself riffing the same 20 licks over & over again, leaving you feeling bored & un-inspired? I've been there before. In this course, I'll show you how to get out off your head with tips on how to reach your fullest potential as a solo guitar player. You can apply these techniques that I will teach you to songwriting, producing, and almost anything in music!

In this course: 

In Creating Stronger Solos, I will take you through a number of great guitar solos and we will study their solo stories. I will take you out of your comfort zone, help you get off your head, and give you the tools necessary to build out solos on the spot and how to make them interesting so you and the listener stay engaged. My soloing course is designed for beginners and intermediate guitar players who are looking to gain more confidence with their guitar playing. Whether it's over pop, jazz, blues, or rock, you'll learn how to tell the best stories through your playing & come out of this course with an extra spark of soloing confidence.

Sign up for Creating Stronger Solos:
Class starts January 5.

You can also book 1:1 online lessons with Francesca Simone on her Lessonface profile.

Electric Guitar
Lead Guitar
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