Buying Guitars Online

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Leah Kruszewski
Buying Guitars Online

Hi!  Has anyone (student or teacher) had success purchasing guitar online?  I've had several students ask me where I'd recommend looking, and I can't usually help much.  I've never bought a guitar online, and wouldn't want to personally because I need to play an instrument to know if I like it.   But I understand that sometimes online may be the best option.  

Is there a particular vendor you trust and have had good experience with?  Do they specialize in certain types of guitars (ie, electric, acoustic, classical)?  Do they have a fair return policy?  And do they let you return it if you simply don't like it, or only if there is a defect?   Any particular advice you can offer on making sure you make a smart decision?  


I have had a lot of good experiences buying and selling equipment and instruments on and 

Of course, if you are looking for a higher end instrument, playing it in person is always a safer bet, but these websites have some useful features that protect buyers and are a lot safer than websites like craigslist and eBay, where I have also had many bad experiences. There is no substitute for playing an instrument in real life, but if it is not an option or there is a better deal, these websites can be generally trusted. A few things you may want to look out for:

1. Scams - if the deal seems too good to be true, it probably is for some reason or another. If a seller is asking for money or trying to communicate outside of the website's platform, it's probably some kind of a scam.

2. Consistency - it is probably safer typically to purchase instruments that represent a larger brand so that even if you cannot test it out in person, you can test out the exact model somewhere in person to make sure the instrument itself is a good fit. 

3. Buy used - if there is no major damage or dysfunctionality, a used instrument will pretty much always be a better bet. Instruments usually sound and play a lot better once they have been broken in, and new instruments are usually overpriced and you will often not get back that money down the road if you want to sell. 
hope this helps! 

Leah Kruszewski

Hi James, this is really helpful.  I will pass on this info to my students who are looking.  Thanks for taking the time to respond!



Brad Ward

 I've bought quite a bit of gear online and never had any major issues.  I have seen some absolute horror stories of guitars being delivered with cracked necks and headstocks on some of the local gear groups that I'm part of.  If you order online make sure that it's insured as well.    

Leah Kruszewski

Thanks Brad!  I've bought gear (electronics, equipment, consumables like strings, etc) online too, plenty of times.  Guitars are quite a bit more delicate as far as shipping is concerned.  And, even when you're familiar with a brand or luthier, they're much more individual than other gear.  I've heard horror stories like yours too.  Thanks for the advice on insuring it.  I'll pass it along to my students!


Michael Marcum

You can order online through Guitar Center and pick it up at the store.  When you pick it up you can open the box and play it. If you like it, keep it. If you don't like it, return it. This works well for items you would like that aren't typically stocked at the store. It even works for used Guitars they sell.  

Lou DeGregorio
Lou DeGregorio

Hi Leah, I've purchased my first guitar on line.  I would have much preferred to purchase in person but due to the Covid  restrictions it was impossible.  I purchased from Guitar Salon in Los Angeles, USA.  I would highly recommend them.  This was a high end guitar, it was shipped overnight, I  had heard video of the guitar prior, they answered all questions immediately, had I not liked the guitar I could have sent it back after a few days of trying it.  A good experience, they have many high end guitars and have a very knowledgeable staff.  I'd absolutely deal with them in the future

Leah Kruszewski

Hi Lou, that's terrific!  It's always great to hear good stories about buying guitars online and having them shipped.  I'll keep Guitar Salon in mind to recommend for future students.  Thanks for sharing!


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