You Like Us! Announcing LessonFace Teacher Reviews

star teachers on LessonFace

We're proud to announce the launch of our newest site feature: teacher reviews! We've started collecting reviews recently, and have made our first reviews public as of today. We are excited to show you how much people like the teachers that they have had lessons with through LessonFace.

How much, you may ask, do people like the teachers on LessonFace?

  • A lot. Our overall average teacher rating is 4.93 out of 5.
  • All of the reviewers have said that they would recommend LessonFace!

Here are two of our favorite reviews so far, pure and unedited:

On Aaron Levy, based in Charleston, SC, who teaches guitar and a few other instruments:

Aaron was fantastic. He is very intuitive and tuned in as a teacher. I have waited years to find a teacher like this. We had discussed what I was interested in prior to the lesson and he came prepared and made everything amazingly clear. can't wait for the next lesson

On Lish Lindsey, flute teacher extraordinaire:

I just experienced my first virtual music lesson. I thought it was such a great experience 4.5 stars!!! I would like to continue getting my lessons here. I never knew something like this ever existed : D I felt very comfortable with Lish Lindsey today. I am a returning flute player after 17 years and she knew right where to get me started. She has a great character about her.

When browsing the teacher profiles, keep your eyes peeled for the yellow stars. The full reviews are visible at the bottom of the teacher profile pages.

Have you taken a LessonFace session but not yet had the time to review your teacher? Do it now! (We only accept reviews from people who have had lessons on LessonFace, so you will need to be logged in to submit your review. Thanks for understanding!)


I had scheduled piano class with Alyssa Miller, Every time I scheduled a lesson she would tell me she will not be available and asked me to postpone. She has done this for 4 to 5 times for a single lesson.

I have paid but till  now she has not taken the class for me. My amount is also not refunded.

She used to send me the cancellation message only few hours before and it was not 24 hrs notice.

It would be great if she learns time management and respect other people time. 

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